The SNEB Awards Committee invites nominations (including self-nominations) for members who have significantly contributed to Community Nutrition, particularly with BIPOC or low-resource communities. No advanced degree is required. Nominees can work in various settings, such as community organizations, schools, colleges, non-profits, government, or research.

Awards Open for Nominations:

  • Nutrition Education Research Award
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award
  • Innovative Methods in Research Paper Award

Nomination requirements are available online. For questions, contact

Important Dates:

  • Nominees notified by: May 1, 2025
  • Awards presented at: SNEB International Conference, Indianapolis, IN, July 8-11, 2025
  • Awardees must attend the ceremony to receive their award.

To submit a nomination, please create a Submittable account. You can save drafts and add collaborators, including the nominee, to complete the forms.

Resolutions provide a route for members to propose that SNEB adopt a position, take an action, or endorse a policy or principles in a formal manner.  The SNEB Bylaws (2.4) state that:  Members of the corporation may initiate and submit for a vote by the membership resolutions regarding matters on which the members advocate that the corporation take a position or action or advocate that the corporation establish a policy.

An individual, group of SNEB members, SNEB Division or SNEB committee may submit a resolution for consideration by the membership. SNEB members serving on the Board of Directors or who are a Board Member-Elect will not be eligible to author, or be a signatory on, any resolutions during their terms in office.   

Drafters are encouraged to prepare concise, well-organized resolutions.  See examples of previous resolutions online. To make a resolution readable and easy to understand, authors may not wish to include every rationale or fact that supports the proposed motion.  Authors are welcome to provide longer statements during the comment process, especially if the topic is complex, to help assure that members can make a well-informed judgment about the resolution.

To continue to foster this commitment to DEI, SNEB has committed to developing a repository of DEI resources that members may use to guide the work they are doing. The committee's initial thought for the repository is that it may contain resources used directly with the audiences for whom we provide nutrition education, as well as training resources for staff and students. Additions can represent work done by or that is supportive of food-, food system-, food sector-, and nutrition-related practitioners, academics, researchers, policymakers, government officials, and advocates. Examples include research with disaggregated demographic data and analysis; tools used in nutrition education to make the space more inclusive; advocacy tools to create more diverse spaces, or guidance for academics to center justice in their research and teaching. In addition, resources available to provide accurate and culturally relevant translations of materials for various target audiences are also welcomed. Additions will be reviewed and categorized to ensure that the SNEB membership finds the repository appropriate, useful, and relevant.

SNEB Foundation Scholarship Application - 2025


The goal of the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Foundation (SNEB Foundation) Scholarship Program is to provide financial assistance for recipients to attend the SNEB International Conference. 

The number of scholarships awarded each year will depend on available funding. The 2025 conference is being planned with both in-person and virtual programming. If you are unable to travel and would prefer to be considered for a scholarship for virtual registration only, please indicate that choice on the nomination form.

The Foundation budgets to award five graduate or undergraduate, one international, and one community scholarship each year but continues to fundraise to increase that number.


  • Graduate and Undergraduate Scholarships: $500 each for in-person attendance at the 2025 SNEB Annual Conference in Indianapolis and complimentary conference registration.
  • International Scholarship: $1,000 to help cover additional travel costs for students living outside the U.S. and complimentary conference registration.

Only one scholarship will be awarded per recipient. For virtual conference attendees, scholarships include complimentary registration but do not include a travel stipend.

Criteria for Eligibility

  • To be eligible for consideration for a student scholarship the applicant must be an Undergraduate Member or  Graduate/PostDoc Member of SNEB. Non-members can join at
  • All applicants must have 3 years or fewer of professional work experience
  • Prior Foundation scholarship recipients are not eligible to reapply for the same category of scholarship.


Provides financial assistance to those working in community-based nutrition education programs.

  • 2025 Award: $500 for travel to the conference in Indianapolis, IN, plus complimentary conference registration.
  • Virtual Conference: Scholarships include complimentary registration but no monetary award.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Must work for a 501(c)3 nonprofit or governmental entity.
  • Must be involved in a community-based initiative offering nutrition education or programs to improve nutrition behaviors.
  • Must have at least one year of experience in the field.



The application form and essay must be submitted by February 28, 2025.


All essays will be rated based on the quality of your response to the question "How do you plan to apply what you learn from the conference to your studies, research, or professional career related to nutrition education?"  The reviewers will evaluate essays on the following criteria:

  • Originality/creativity/innovation in nutrition education.  How is your research or work enhancing the field of nutrition education?  (This can be expressed by describing work you are already doing or  work you are interested in pursuing in the future.)
  • Ability to apply information from SNEB conference to career potential How will exposure to conference sessions help you advance your nutrition education career goals? 
  • Ability to express ideas well and convey information clearly and concisely.

Scholarship recipients will be chosen by May 1, 2025, and notified by the SNEB Foundation President and Scholarship Committee Chair. Scholarship recipients will be recognized at the SNEB Foundation Meeting and other International Conference activities/sessions.

Once this form is completed, it is confidential and won’t be discussed outside of Nominating Committee meetings. A member of the Nominating Committee (Chiquita Briley, Mateja Savoie Roskos, Abioudun Atoloye, and Geb Bastian with Board liaisons Serah Theuri and Siew Sun Wong) may contact you to ask for suggestions about the best approach in recruiting the candidate you have suggested. Thank you for your help!  

This form may also be used to let the nominating committee know of your own interest in serving SNEB on the Board, the Nominating Committee, ACPP Chair-Elect, or Membership Committee Chair-Elect.

Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior